A Little About Me

I love to travel and explore my surroundings. I moved around a lot as a child and started exploring at an early age. I wanted a place where I could share my adventures with other people and decided to create a blog. I have zero experience in professional writing so this is a big adventure for me that I can do from my couch! Sorry in advance for the grammar errors!

I have been married almost 15 years (he is my Disney travel buddy) and we have two fur babies (Dodger, a 1.5-year-old Papillon and Alice, a 12-year-old Tabby cat). I take my big adventures with one of my best friends that I met through work. We have a big list of places we want to go so stay tuned for updates.

My husband and I love Disney and we go at least once a year so you will see a lot of posts about Disney, but I also try to take at least one big trip a year outside the country. In addition, I will post about fun things to do in my local area and in the USA if I get around anywhere stateside.

Thanks so much for reading!

Walking with a 22 month old Lion in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”-Helen Keller


Orlando, Aneheim, Paris


Barcelona, Madrid, Seville


Athens, Santorini, Mykonos


South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe


Dublin, Ashford Castle, Galway, Killarney, Cork



United Kingdom




North Carolina

Charlotte, Asheville

Some blogs you can look forward to reading: