Cinderella’s Royal Table

When you think of Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World you probably conjure up one very specific image in your mind…Cinderella’s Castle. Did you know that there is actually a restaurant inside? They serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner and you are joined by Cinderella herself!! During our trip we made our second visit to the castle for lunch and it was a beautiful experience.

We made our reservations 60 days in advance through the My Disney Experience app. This one is a coveted one my friends!! Set alarms, get up early, and have a backup plan. You can also check the app every day the week you are going and speak to a cast member while you are there… you may get lucky.

We checked in for our reservation about 15 minutes early and were shown into the waiting room. It is truly like stepping into a castle and is decorated with coats of arms, an actual suit of armor, a tiny Jaq and Gus, and some beautiful stained glass.

The waiting area (also where you have photos with Cinderella).

We took our seats in the waiting area and after a few minutes a chime rang, and someone announced that our table was available. We were given an invitation and told we could go upstairs to the dining room either by taking the stairs or the elevator.

The dining room has truly been touched by a fairy god mother! There are stained glass windows covering 2/3 of the room creating a beautiful natural light. We were lucky enough to get a table next to a window and could see right down into Fantasyland and watched the carousel spin as we enjoyed our meal. We even got to see some of the cast members set up fireworks for the show that evening!

The view from our table.

The table set up. You get to keep your Wishing Star.

Our waitress came over and introduced herself and shared information about the menu, as well as the daily soup and fish. At Cinderella’s Royal Table, the prices range around $65 for adults and you choose from a pre-fixed menu. There are several appetizers, main dishes, and desserts to decide between. Sodas are included in the price of your meal. As our waitress brought over our drinks, we took a few minutes to decide from the choices available.

I went with a butternut squash soup, and it was thick and delicious (although lukewarm), and Matt went with the charcuterie board. The pickles were butter pickles and were not crunchy, and the lump of what looks like tuna salad was actually duck so that choice may not be for everyone, but he enjoyed it. We also indulged in the Castle Flight which had a mimosa, bellini, and sangria.

Tenderloin of Beef

When Will My Life Begin Chicken & Pasta

For our entrees I choose the beef and it was cooked perfectly. I could literally cut it with a butterknife (and I did) and the sauce and mashed potatoes were the perfect vehicle for the meat. Matt went with the When Will My Life Begin Chicken and Pasta and it was Tangled themed complete with a Frying Pan. It was about the cutest dish I had ever seen, and Matt enjoyed every bite.

For the desserts, I went with our waitress’s favorite, The Clock Strikes Twelve. It was super rich dark chocolate mousse, and I could barely finish half of it. The hazelnut ice cream, however, was the best dessert I ate the entire week. I would give my glass slippers to be able to get that stuff at home!! Matt got the Jaq & Gus which was cheesecake with all kinds of delightful garnishes.

We got a lovely autograph card and headed back downstairs to leave. During our visit, there was no character dining, however, Cinderella was available for photos (back in the waiting room).

With our sword and wand after lunch.

At the door on the way out, we were given magic wands for princesses and swords for princes as take-home souvenirs. The food overall was wonderful (although pricey). If you want to book this, make sure you plan ahead to actually book the reservation (it fills up SUPER fast), be prepared to lose about 2 hours of park time since it is a sit-down service, and plan for it in your budget as it is the most expensive meal we had all week long.


The Haunted Mansion-Walt Disney World


Coronado Springs-A Walt Disney World Resort